Out Of Town- My Hometown on Gerig Drive


The sign for Laura Lane, a dead end street in my small neighborhood, mid-afternoon on a rainy day. This street is mainly used for cattle such as horses, goats and sheep. Throughout the day, cattle transport can be seen coming on and off of this street. 

A view of the street from my parents’ house. There aren’t many houses or large buildings, as mainly what can be seen are just large empty fields and property used for animals and fertilizing. The heavy rain can be seen in the distance through the sky as well. 

Christina Freitas, a senior home care worker, leaving for work in the morning. Living out of town means that nothing is necessarily within walking distance. Driving is needed and sometimes that means longer commutes. Although, there are upsides to that. Living out of town gives you perspective on the world and nature around everyone. 


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